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Matt Greensmith

Infrastructure and systems-focused software engineer and cloud architect.

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Update: This workaround is no longer necessary as of Docker for Mac version 17.06, which provides a special Mac-only DNS name docker.for.mac.localhost, which resolves to the internal IP address used by the host.

A few months ago, I built out a docker-compose-based local development environment for our dev team who had been using a long-in-the-tooth vagrant-based environment to run backend databases. We have traditionally run ruby and nodejs services on our macs, and connected to virtualized databases, which now run in containers.

I expanded the stack by adding adding a web proxy container, to mimic our production traffic routing locally. For the proxy to route requests to upstream services, I needed to find an accessible, consistent network interface on the host. It turns out that this needs a little extra network config on the host.

Now, you could choose to run host services on all network interfaces (, and point containers to the current IP of the host’s en0, but this requires that you be able to reconfigure your containers every time your mac’s IP changes, and it exposes your host service to your local network. You might not want that. Also, if you have no network access, the interface is inaccessible.

The default loopback interface (lo0, isn’t available from within Xhyve-based Docker for Mac containers either.

However, there is a recommended solution: you can add a new IP address to the hosts’ lo0 interface, and access services running on host localhost via that new IP.

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

Now your host localhost services are accessible from containers via this IP.

Note that this has security implications, as you’re adding a link-local alias IP, which is accessible from your local network (even though it’s bound to your loopback interface). While the interface won’t answer ARP requests for this IP, other devices on your LAN could manually add an ARP entry with this IP and the MAC address of your physical interface, and access your hosted services.

To make the alias persistent, you can create a launchd service to add the alias on every host boot:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

A quick shell script checks for the presence of the alias IP. If it’s missing, add it and set up a launchd service to persist it:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

### Docker containers that wish to access services running on the host (this mac)
### need a known IP address for the lo0 interface, will not work.
### This adds an alias IP to the lo0 interface of the host.
### It copies a plist script to /Library/LaunchDaemons and enables it via launchctl,
### so that this alias will be added automatically at boot time in future.


LO0_IPS=$( ifconfig | grep -A6 lo0: | grep 'inet '  | cut -d ' ' -f 2 )

if [[ "${LO0_IPS}" =~ "${ALIAS_IP}" ]]; then
  exit 0
  echo "We need to add and persist an alias IP to the lo0 network interface."
  echo "Please enter your local sudo password to complete this one-time task:"
  sudo /sbin/ifconfig lo0 alias ${ALIAS_IP}

  if [ ! -e /Library/LaunchDaemons/co.cozy.add-lo0-alias-for-docker.plist ]; then
    DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" 
    sudo cp ${DIR}/co.cozy.add-lo0-alias-for-docker.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
    sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/co.cozy.add-lo0-alias-for-docker.plist
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/co.cozy.add-lo0-alias-for-docker.plist

We run that script via our Makefile as a precursor task before starting containers, and now we always know that our host is accessible.